ABG Shipyard Ltd. | ABGSHIP
Sector : Ship Building  
Industry : Ship Building

Price vs Book Value

Book Value is also known as Net Asset Value. It is calculated as :

(Net Worth)/Number of Shares.

It is a measure of the amount per share that a shareholder will get if the company is liquidated today. Book Value is an important measure for safety of investment while investing in a stock. However, Since book value does not count the intangible assets, the prices of companies in sectors like Pharma and IT may be much higher than book value.

Key Metrics

Rs. -522.34



Rs. -742.22

Rs. 6.05 Crore



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Summary at a Glance

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1xxxx %

xxxx %

xxxx %


xxxx %

1xxxx %


Growth ( TTM values are as per latest declared results : Mar '17 )

1 Y 3 Y 5 Y 10 Y
Revenue Growth 1xxxx % 1xxxx % xxxx % xxxx %
Net Profit Growth xxxx % xxxx % xxxx % xxxx %
Dividend Growth xxxx % xxxx % xxxx % 1xxxx %


Pros & Cons


  • Return on Equity is Excellent.


  • Current Ratio is low.
  • 9.62% shares have been pledged.