Jagjanani Textiles Ltd. | JAGJANANITEXTILES
Sector : Textile   
Industry : Textile - Weaving

Price vs Book Value

Book Value is also known as Net Asset Value. It is calculated as :

(Net Worth)/Number of Shares.

It is a measure of the amount per share that a shareholder will get if the company is liquidated today. Book Value is an important measure for safety of investment while investing in a stock. However, Since book value does not count the intangible assets, the prices of companies in sectors like Pharma and IT may be much higher than book value.

Key Metrics

Rs. 0.05



Rs. -1.17

Rs. 15.29 Crore



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0.00 %

Summary at a Glance

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xxxx %

1xxxx %

1xxxx %


1xxxx %

1xxxx %


Growth ( TTM values are as per latest declared results : Mar '19 )

1 Y 3 Y 5 Y 10 Y
Revenue Growth xxxx % xxxx % xxxx % xxxx %
Net Profit Growth xxxx % xxxx % xxxx % 1xxxx %
Dividend Growth xxxx % xxxx % xxxx % xxxx %


Pros & Cons


  • FCF has grown considerably in last 5 years.
  • Return on Equity is Excellent.


  • Debt Equity Ratio is high.
  • Current Ratio is low.